Manage your laboratory workflow from sample to referral
Newborn Screening software provides control and monitoring tools for the entire screening process

Controlling results
Newborn Screening software can also help manage the results generated by your laboratory by:
- Generate reports of turn around times and statistics
- Recording patient demographics
- Linking specimens
- Providing other back office support applications like delivering the patient reports electronically and/or printing them for mail delivery

1 - 19 of 19 Products and Services
Revvity Transcribe AI, is an innovative OCR service designed to convert handwritten text on test request forms into a digitized format
Laboratory screening software that supports newborn screening workflows from sample collection to diagnosis and follow up offers numerous benefits for healthcare providers, researchers, and patients alike. Click here to watch video.
A hearing health information system from newborn screening through to diagnosis and intervention. Used in state public health programs, large hospital systems or integrated delivery networks to manage all aspects of an Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program including communications, letters, consent, care coordination and reporting. The eSP™ EHDI information management system captures direct results from screening devices, minimizing staff manual data entry. Includes ability to notify Early Intervention if a patient has been assigned to them.
OZ eSP™ is a hosted, cloud-based database and the foundational infrastructure required for all OZ products. All newborn screening data are stored in and exchanged via the OZ eSP database. Each newborn has a screening record with integrated results. Includes Deduplication reporting.
This cloud-based software provides package manifest and label as well as tracks each specimen once it leaves the hospital and is delivered to the state lab by the courier. It integrates with Telepathy NBS to provide expiration alerts for specimen cards, the status of the specimen (where it is in the process of delivery) as well as alerts for specimens (late delivery). OZ Track-Kit™ also provides inventory management as well as specimen storage and destruction information.
Within OZ eSP™ this module facilitates cohesive monitoring and reporting of birth conditions/birth defects. It collects newborn program data on birth defects and reportable birth conditions. These data are stored in the eSP integrated child health record.
OZ Connect EHDI is a messaging license that enables the EHDI results (HL7) from Telepathy™ EHDI in the form of an HL7 ORU message into the hospital EHR system. The hospital or healthcare system/enterprise must provide VPN connectivity to OZ Systems. The transfer of the information is automatic and completely electronic with no extra steps required for hospital personnel. Telepathy EHDI required.
OZ Connect CCHD is a messaging license that enables the CCHD results from Telepathy™ CCHD in the form of an HL7 ORU message into the hospital EHR system. The hospital or healthcare system/enterprise must provide VPN connectivity to OZ Systems. The transfer of the information is automatic and completely electronic with no extra steps required for hospital personnel. Telepathy CCHD required.
Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) NANI Technical Profile is based on HL7 ADT (Admission, Discharge and Transfer) electronic messages. This messaging system enables a newborn’s demographics information from the hospital EHR system to OZ solutions with necessary information for newborn screening. The hospital or healthcare system provides VPN connectivity to OZ Systems.
Specimen Gate® Screening Center™ focuses on the overall management of newborn screening programs. It allows smooth handling of patient demographics and patient reports; offers the ability to enter and track patient and contact information; supports creating and maintaining of business rules to govern the content of patient reports as well as how, and when the patient reports are to be created.
Within OZ eSP™ the OZ CDC REPORTING DASHBOARD assists in reporting Early Hearing Detection and Intervention program data to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Public Health systems using OZ Systems’ solutions report on the EHDI IS Functional Standards.
Within OZ eSP™ the OZ eSP Vital Statistics Application module this report provides a comparison of babies in the screening program to babies in vital records system to keep track of babies who are born in the state but outside of a hospital.
This cloud-based software provides an electronic form to capture state mandated Newborn Blood Spot data elements. An electronic lab order (HL7 ORM message) is sent to the state lab and a label is printed and affixed to the specimen card. This aligns hospital information with information at the state NBS lab. All specimen cards sent from the hospital will be legible and accurate. For state installations, includes eform and label configuration of the specimen filter paper card label based on the state requirements initially and updates. Populates NBS section of OZ eSP™ child health record. Required for OZ Connect NBS.
The OZ Connect NBS is a messaging license enables that NBS Lab results in the form of an HL7 ORU message into the hospital EHR system. The hospital or healthcare system/enterprise must provide VPN connectivity to OZ Systems. The transfer of the information is automatic and completely electronic with no extra steps required for hospital personnel. Telepathy NBS required.
PatientCare™ software allows users to define follow up procedure templates for each disorder in the test panel. Each template is made up of individual tasks which, when executed properly, will lead to a diagnosis or case resolution. Workflows follow a linear path.
Specimen Gate® Laboratory Enterprise Edition allows two-way communication with Revvity punching devices and instruments, and interfaces to third-party instruments too. It models the processes involved in punching; allows electronic gathering of test results from all instruments; flags analytes and disorders based on site-specific logic.
Automates the capture of Critical Congenital Heart Disease screening from the pulse oximeter or allows for manual entry of CCHD values. Populates CCHD section of OZ eSP™ child health record. The software provides an automatic algorithm calculation of CCHD results. This tool includes a CCHD screening results report (w/ screening timeliness). Simple reporting to state available with state approval. Required for OZ Connect CCHD.
OZ Care Coordination includes comprehensive care coordination services for the state. Refer to the specific Program Care Coordination and Outreach Services document which outlines the type of screening (blood spot, hearing or heart) included with the service.
Screening results from more than 20 different hearing screening devices are automatically uploaded into eSP™ Early Hearing Detection Intervention information System reducing error by eliminating manual entry of screening results. Required for OZ Connect EHDI