The NEXTFLEX® Rapid XP V2 DNA kit offers a simplified DNA library preparation workflow for sequencing on Illumina® and Element Biosciences® platforms. Libraries produced using this kit are normalized during library construction using proprietary NEXTFLEX® normalization beads, delivering consistent mass and sequencing cluster density for all samples in a library pool.
Feature | Specification |
Automation Compatible | Yes |
Product Group | DNA-seq |
The NEXTFLEX® Rapid XP V2 DNA kit offers a simplified DNA library preparation workflow for sequencing on Illumina® and Element Biosciences® platforms. Libraries produced using this kit are normalized during library construction using proprietary NEXTFLEX® normalization beads, delivering consistent mass and sequencing cluster density for all samples in a library pool.
The NEXTFLEX® Rapid XP V2 DNA-seq kit includes proprietary NEXTFLEX® normalization beads, which provide a consistent mass and sequencing cluster density for all samples in a library pool. This shortens the time needed for quantification and pooling preparation for sequencing in a high throughput lab by up to 3 hours per 96 samples.
The NEXTFLEX Rapid XP v2 DNA-Seq Kit is designed to provide exceptional ligation efficiency, which is crucial for high-quality sequencing results. The kit includes optimized reagents and protocols that ensure the efficient and accurate ligation of DNA fragments. This high ligation efficiency reduces the likelihood of adapter dimers or erroneous sequences even at low input concentrations, leading to more reliable and reproducible data. By maximizing the ligation step, the kit enhances overall workflow efficiency and contributes to the generation of high-quality sequencing libraries.
Figure 1. Low dimer formation with NEXTFLEX Rapid XP V2 DNA-Seq kit. Different library replicates were prepared using either 500 pg (A) or 1 ng (B) of high-quality genomic DNA as input. Adapter dimer should appear as a peak at ~150 bp.
Normalization Beads offer significant benefits in DNA library preparation sequencing workflows by ensuring consistent and accurate sample preparation. They streamline the process by equalizing the concentration of DNA across different samples, which reduces variability and enhances the reliability of sequencing results. This leads to more efficient and cost-effective sequencing, as it minimizes the need for additional normalization steps and reduces the risk of errors. Overall, Normalization Beads contribute to higher quality data and more reproducible outcomes.
Figure 2. Analysis of GC bias from libraries obtained with NEXTFLEX Rapid XP V2 DNA-Seq kit. Results show minimal variability in normalized coverage across 20-60% GC content encompassing ~95% of the human genome (Right: red bars). These are consistent across 1-750 ng of genomic DNA input. Simplify Library Construction with NEXTFLEX Normalization Beads.
Figure 3. This image illustrates the steps removed and time savings by using Normalization Beads during library preparation
Barcodes are not supplied with the NEXTFLEX Rapid XP DNA-seq kit v2 and need to be purchased separately. We offer 384 color-balanced NEXTFLEX UDI adapters that improve multiplexing capabilities for both low-level and high-level multiplexing needs and a set of 1,536 NEXTFLEX UDI adapters for ultra high-throughput applications.
NEXTFLEX UDI-UMI adapters, incorporating molecular barcodes into each adapter, are also available for applications involving the detection of rare variants.
The NEXTFLEX Rapid XP V2 DNA-Seq kit is compatible with multiple liquid handlers, including the Sciclone G3 NGSx workstation, Sciclone G3 NGSx iQ™ workstation, and Zephyr NGS workstation.
Automation Compatible |
Product Group |
Shipping Conditions |
Dual Temperature
Unit Size |
96 rxns
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With a turn-around time of only 2.5 hours, the NEXTFLEX® Rapid XP DNA-Seq Kit v2 is a convenient workflow that can be used to...
The new NEXTFLEX® Rapid XP V2 DNA-seq kit includes proprietary NEXTFLEX® normalization beads*, which provide a consistent mass and...
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